Tom Nunes

Tom Nunes

The Nunes Company
Foxy Foods, LLC
Salinas, CA
"This is not an easy business. You need mentors and I was lucky to have two great ones. My uncle Bob taught me so much about the shipping end of the business and of course my father taught me so much about farming. I hope I have been able to do the same for my cousins and brothers and son. It is great working with your family. We all get along really well because we have tremendous respect for one another."

Tom and his wife, Margot, have two children "that we are fortunate enough to have live near us and work with us." Daughter Mendy is married to John Amaral, who works at The Nunes Company. The couple has provided Tom and Margot with three grandchildren. T-5 and his wife Kristy have one son and another child on the way.


Tom Nunes Jr. followed a family legacy after graduating from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and joining the family firm. He said there really wasn’t any doubt as to his future career.

“I grew up working at Nunes Bros. of California loading lettuce and celery. I guess I always knew that this is what I’d do.”

He rose through the ranks and is now president of the company founded by his father and uncle. Today, Tom carries on the family tradition along with his brothers, cousins, son and son-in-law to oversee the growing and marketing of nearly 20,000 acres of fresh vegetables in California and Arizona.

What Grows on This Farm